Rasûlullāh (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Having Sahur meal is a Barakah (blessing). So, do not neglect it. Let one of you have Sahur, be it with a sip of water. Indeed, Allãh Azza wa Jalla showers His mercy upon those who have Sahur meal and the angels plead for forgiveness on their behalf.”

– (Musnad Ahmad)

Sahur (Sehri) is the food taken before dawn (Imsâk) to facilitate fasting.

If a believing slave (of Allah) performs Wudu and prays two Rakah Saläh when he wakes up for Sahûr, Allah Ta’äla sends angels that line up behind him in seven rows. When he makes Dua after completing his Salâh, the angels say ‘Àmin’ to his Duas. Allah Ta’âla records rewards for him, elevates his status in Jannah (paradise), and forgives his sins equal to the number of those angels. Those angels will continue supplicating and asking forgiveness on his behalf until the Day of Judgement.

Formulating the intention to fast in the heart is sufficient and waking up for Sahür is also an intention.

It is Mustahab (recommended) to hasten for breaking the fast, and to have the Sahür towards the end of its time. Concerning this matter, Rasulullah (sallallähu alayhi wa sallam) was reported to have said:

“Three qualities are from the Akhläg (characters) of the prophets:

“To hasten for breaking the fast, to delay the Sahür and to use Miswak.”

Rasululläh (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) was very meticulous about these matters. To hasten for breaking the fast and delaying the Sahûr until the final time of the Imsâk (sehri ending time) is a confession of the fasting person that he is helpless and weak, which is appropriate for servanthood.

However, Muslims should be cautious to stop eating and drinking before Imsâk enters. And when it is Iftâr, they should break the fast the moment it is Iftâr time since one of the Fard (obligatory) acts of fasting is the time.

• These (rulings) are the limits set by Allah, so do not approach them.” (Sürah al-Bagarah, Ayah 187). For centuries, the Ulama (Islamic scholars) of Ahl al-Sunnah applied “Tamkin’

• (Precaution) while calculating Salâh times and thus preserved and secured the Imsâk and Salâh (prayer) times.


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