Rasûlullâh (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Whoever spends the Night of Qadr in Ibâdah (supplicating, praying Nâfilah or reciting Qur’ân) out of sincere faith, hoping its reward from Allãh will have his past sins forgiven.
(Muttafaqun Alayh)
The Sahaba al-Kirâm were never happier for something than hearing the third verse of Surah al-Qadr: “The night of Gadr is better than one thousand months.”
The prophet of Allah (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) narrated to his Sahäbah the story of four people from Banu Israil (children of Israel). Those four men had worshipped Allah Subhanah for eighty years without disobeying Him even in the blink of an eve.
The story amazed the Sahâbah al-Kirâm.
‘Then, Jibril (alayhis salâm) came down and said: “O, Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)! You and your companions were impressed with those men who had not disobeyed Allah Subhânahu even in the blink of an eye and worshipped Him for eighty years. However, Allah Subhânahu has sent you a blessing, which is better than that.” He recited Sûrah al-Qadr, from its beginning till the end. Subsequently, Rasûlullāh (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) and his companions rejoiced.
Some Attributes of the night of Qadr
Our mother, Hadrat Aisha (radiyallähu anha) said: “O, Prophet of Alläh! What Du’a (supplication) should I make if I come to know which night the Night of Qadr is?” Rasûlullāh (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “Say, Allähumma innaka ‘Afuwwun Karimun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu ‘anni (O Allah, You are Forgiving, Generous, You like to forgive: So Forgive me).”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi)
Allah Subhânahu has made some of the things secret for many profound reasons. He has hidden His pleasure in the pravers and obedience so that His servants demand all acts of worship.
He has hidden His wrath in the sins so that people stay away from them, be it major or minor. He has hidden His Ismi Azam (Greatest Name) in the Qur’an al-Karîm so that all His names are revered. He has hidden Saläh al- Wusta (the middle prayer IAsr salah]) in the five daily Saläh (prayers) so that all are preserved.
He has hidden His friends (Awliya) so that people do not look down on anyone. And He has hidden the Night of Qadr in the Month of Ramadân al-Sharif so that Muslims regard every night of Ramadan al-Sharif as the Night of Qadr and spend them in ibâdah.
Rasûlullãh (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) has notified us of some of the signs of Laylat-ul Qadr: That night, the sky will be bright and cloudless. The weather will be neither hot nor cold, but soft.
The sun will rise the next day without its glare. Laylat-ul Qadr is the night in which the Qur’ân al-Karìm was revealed.
Prayers performed in this night are more valuable than prayers performed in a thousand months (which do not have Lavlat-ul Qadr included). Nabì (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) was shown the life spans of the past Ummahs (nations), and he found his Ummah’s life span rather short. He supplicated to Allah, and thus, Allah Ta’âlā bestowed upon him the Night of Qadr.
The angles and the Rûh descend on this night:
Because so many angels descend to witness the wonders of this night, it was called Qadr (overcrowded).
Nabì (sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “When it is the Night of Qadr, Allah Subhânahû orders Jibrîl (alayhis salâm) to go with other angels to raise a green banner over the Ka’bah. On this night, Jibrîl (alayhis salâm) encourages the other angels to go around to greet people. They go to every person who is awake, praying or engaged in Dhikr to greet them, shake their hands and say ‘Amîn’ to their prayers. This continues until sunrise.” This night is peace until dawn.