G4U Security Ltd.
if you are looking following services? Please give us call and let us know your need.
Recreation, Fun, Festival, and Arts Events Security Services
Welcoming and customer oriented attitude, including access control for perimeter
Crowd control management
Responsible behavior to customer service, including concierge services/reception duties
Responsible security officers for Alcohol customers handling
first aid response/response in an emergency situation
close personal protection for VIPs
car park access control
monitoring and reporting on building services, including cleaning and safety issues
Reporting and writing any unexpected incident or mishap
Full customer support, providing directions, answering calls and questions, including liaising with the public
Receiving and recording all items of lost property
Screening with metal detector
static guarding
mobile patrols
alarm monitoring and response
24-hour security patrol, including pre and post-event security to valuables and property
for more details visit our website.